Saturday, February 26, 2011

This week has been a busy but, thankfully, short-lived one. After it's over, we will have finished the second week of P90X. On President's Day, we went and fed our moldy bread (which is not P90X approved, unfortunately) to the geese at the Nature Park. I was literally led into a wild goose chase! Those geese see a car coming and they know there's human food coming their way. Greedy! As others started to come and enjoy the Nature Park, we turned into social homebodies and meandered down to the frozen pond. They stock the pond with hatchery fish, so we only caught four or five little rainbow trouts. We then decided it would be a good idea to go ice skating in twenty degree weather. Do you know how when it gets so cold, your mouth moves all funny when you try to talk? Yeah, I looked like I had had a stroke.

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